== Changelog == = 1.6.3 - 15 January 2025 = * Resolved Uninstall Notice: Updated `register_uninstall_hook` callback to use a static class method, addressing a WordPress notice introduced in version 3.1.0. = 1.6.2 - 13 January 2025 = * Fixed uninstall process to prevent PHP fatal error by updating the `register_uninstall_hook` callback to use a valid instance method. = 1.6.1 - 25 November 2024 = * CSS Output Location: Additional check to ensure the default is Dedicated File. = 1.6.0 - 22 November 2024 = * Added `Visual Editor: Decoration > Background Attachment` setting. * Added CSS Ouput Location setting. Dedicated CSS File offers best performance, Internal CSS embeds styles in page HTML. = 1.5.11 - 13 August 2024 = * Added Divi theme compatibility. * Accounted for for themes that don't use menu item selectors by adding them automatically. = 1.5.10 - 31 May 2024 = * Updated SiteOrigin Installer. * Updated Tested up to tag. * Updated Required PHP version. = 1.5.9 - 11 November 2023 = * Updated Tested up to tag. * Updated SiteOrigin Installer. = 1.5.8 - 11 August 2023 = * Updated the SiteOrigin Installer submodule. = 1.5.7 - 09 August 2023 = * Updated the expand/compress title depending on the state in the visual editor. * Updated the "Tested up to" version in the readme.txt file from 6.2 to 6.3, indicating compatibility with WordPress version 6.3. * Added SiteOrigin Installer submodule and functionality to handle the installer link and status in the editor and page templates. = 1.5.6 - 07 April 2023 = * WordPress PHP Coding Standards improvements. * Updated `Tested up to` tag. = 1.5.5 - 30 September 2022 = * Added a check to ensure WP Filesystem is setup. = 1.5.4 - 28 September 2022 = * Developer: Introduced definable Custom CSS file name and location using `siteorigin_custom_css_file` and `siteorigin_css_enqueue_css`. = 1.5.3 - 25 May 2022 = * Updated WordPress `Tested up to` tag. = 1.5.2 - 27 January 2022 = * Updated `Tested up to` tag to `5.9`. = 1.5.1 - 30 December 2021 = * Basic Editor Theme Setting: Updated field to show selected option. = 1.5.0 - 16 December 2021 = * Basic Editor: Added a dark theme option. * Ajax Saving: Resolved unintended slashes added during escaping. = 1.4.3 - 29 November 2021 = * Restored editor scrollbar. * Added a fixed editor height. = 1.4.2 - 08 November 2021 = * Fixed string translation functions. = 1.4.1 - 02 November 2021 = * Removed Save button rounding. * Fixed Visual Editor `Navigate To` link functionality. = 1.4.0 - 11 October 2021 = * Added Ajax saving. Users can now save in the expanded and visual editors without exiting to basic editor. * Expanded/Visual toolbar buttons re-ordered for consistency between modes. * Removed Font Awesome. Icons are now added via a custom font. = 1.3.2 - 20 July 2021 = * Updated `Tested up to` tag. = 1.3.1 - 10 July 2021 = * Updated the Plugins page action link list. = 1.3.0 - 14 June 2021 = * Inspector: Added a new Border Radius setting to the Decoration tab. * Allowed for right-clicking anywhere in the Basic Editor. = 1.2.14 - 26 April 2021 = * Resolved Photo Gallery by 10Web plugin conflict. = 1.2.13 - 01 February 2021 = * Inspector: Added support for WooCommerce single product tabs. * Inspector: Highlight important classes when element with class is selected. * Restored the scrollbar in the Custom CSS content field. * Developer: Further changes for jQuery 3.5. * Developer: For WP 4.9+ use the WordPress version of CodeMirror if available. * Developer: Removed `socss-codemirror-show-hint` as a dependency. The script can now be removed to disable hints. = 1.2.12 - 12 December 2020 = * Developer: jQuery updates for WordPress 5.6. = 1.2.11 - 21 October 2020 = * Fixed Background image setting writing to CSS. = 1.2.10 - 09 September 2020 = * Increased the specificity of the Save CSS button styling to prevent plugin conflicts. = 1.2.9 - 29 July 2020 = * Resolved Font Family field output. = 1.2.8 - 22 May 2020 = * Renamed `custom_css` textarea to prevent conflicts. = 1.2.7 - 19 May 2020 = * Restored `Save` button functionality. = 1.2.6 - 15 May 2020 = * Minor visual editor form styling fixes. * Resolved PHP 7.4 `preg_replace()` warning. * Moved the basic editor Save button to the sidebar. = 1.2.5 - 05 February 2020 = * Removed `themeCSS` localized script to prevent `preg_replace()` warning. * Minor form styling fixes. * Updated CSS NPM library. * Rebuilt minified files using new build script. = 1.2.4 - 17 January 2019 = * Prefix so-css for all codemirror assets. * Prevent JS error when attempting to set active element to null. = 1.2.3 - 25 June 2018 = * Add preview iframe 'load' event listener in `render` function. * Reverted change to stylesheet hook. = 1.2.2 - 16 June 2018 = * Removed reference to non-existent view. = 1.2.1 - 15 June 2018 = * Removed `.min` suffix from new stylesheets for CodeMirror plugins. = 1.2.0 - 6 June 2018 = * Updated CSS library. * UI changes to make it more obvious when viewing revision. * Ensure revisions are sorted in descending time order. * Don't link to revision currently being displayed. * Add search functionality to editor. * Enable persistent search and JumpToLine. = 1.1.5 - 19 September 2017 = * Use `home_url` instead of `site_url` to determine where to open CSS preview. * Increment and decrement buttons work when value empty or zero. Also added repeating action while button held down. * Scroll editor instead of the whole page so 'Save' button is always visible. * Set color CSS on visual editor and inspector. * Saving generated CSS to stylesheet file in uploads directory. = 1.1.4 - 31 January 2017 = * Updated CodeMirror to 2.25.2. * Removed extra line padding. * Better integration with WordPress.org translation. = 1.1.3 - 31 January 2017 = * Removed leading slash in paths after plugin_dir_url(). * Updated to latest CodeMirror. * Fixed padding issue that was causing problems with Firefox and the color picker. = 1.1.2 - 11 November 2016 = * Ignore anything other than actual rules in media query subrules. * Removed depreciated jQuery function. * Updated CSSLint library. * Updated minicolors. = 1.1.1 - 28 September 2016 = * Properly handle errors in frontend CSS. * Added notice about SiteOrigin Premium. = 1.1 - 26 September 2016 = * Changed CSS parsing library. Fixed several issues with the visual editor mode. * Added address bar to preview window. * Small CSS fixes. * Small changes to allow adding more visual editor fields. = 1.0.8 - 15 August 2016 = * Fixed action link. * Support for GlotPress. * Removed unused code. * Handling of @imports for future addons. = 1.0.7 - 4 July 2016 = * Ensure user can copy/paste in editor via context menu. * Added plugin action links * Add classes on `body` element to selectors window. = 1.0.6 - 24 February 2016 = * Disabled autocompletion on single item (automatic autocompletion). * Fixed conflict with NextGen Gallery. * Only display relevant linting messages. = 1.0.5 - 21 January 2016 = * Updated to latest version of Code Mirror. = 1.0.4 - 10 November 2015 = * Fixed CSS parsing when going into visual mode. = 1.0.3 - 29 October 2015 = * Changed video image * Adjust revision times by GMT offset. * Don't overwrite media queries sub styles, rather just append them. = 1.0.2 = * Dequeue functionality that conflicted with WordPress color picker, if it's enqueued. * Removed wp_styles for compatibility with older versions of WordPress = 1.0.1 = * Fixed conflicts with CSS editor in SiteOrigin themes. * Force dequeue scripts that cause problems with main editing interface. * Made it easier to follow links with inspector enabled. = 1.0 = * Initial release.